1972 : Eric Marty was born with two predictions attached to his incubator : one good and one bad. The good prediction was that he would become a writer. The bad prediction was that he would write his first manuscript during the rise of multinational companies who couldn’t care less about authors as long as they can sell paper printed with ink. Books, you may reply. Perhaps, but not Literature.
1972 - 1998 : Nothing, or hardly anything.

1999 : Eric Marty decides to take the bull by the horns and follow his destiny. In January he creates a structure named Les Ateliers de Production de L’Etoile (3, rue de l’Etoile in Toulouse, France). In February he publishes his first book, by his own means, A Demain sur la Plage. In August, after trying various manuscripts on for size, appears Rose Carabosse, his second book, with this time the participation of a « true » publisher. At the same time, he helps publish two other works, in collaboration with two authors discovered by chance.


dicks like pieces of meat

TV and love


To Go See the Sea


a man